Menopause Inclusive Workplace

The Menopause Works Here™ campaign champions menopause inclusive workplaces in Canada, and encourages employers to demonstrate their support for the wellbeing of employees experiencing menopause.

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A Playbook for Employers

Take the first step on your journey to becoming a menopause inclusive workplace by downloading our Menopause Inclusive Workplace Playbook!

This free resource will provide you with a practical, five-step guide to inspire your organization to take action.

The Menopause Inclusive Workplace Playbook provides links to  tip sheets, resources and tools. Link to them as you read through the Playbook, or download them here:

Printouts of the tools available for download
Menopause and Work in Canada report

The Menopause Foundation of Canada released a groundbreaking report on October 16, 2023 showing the staggering $3.5 billion cost of menopause to the Canadian economy, and sharing new findings from a national survey on women’s experience of menopause in the workplace.

The Menopause Foundation of Canada can help your organization create a Menopause Inclusive Workplace.

Reach out to us here

We look forward to partnering with you!

Several women at a table in the workplace

Voices of Women

  • Nancy: It Feels Like a Volcano Ready to Explode

    October 16, 2023

    Menopause has been a lonely journey so far for Nancy, who works as a receiver in Ottawa. Her job ...

  • Patricia: The Lost Years

    October 16, 2023

    Patricia knew about menopause, the end of her period. “GREAT!” she thought. She had no idea a tsunami was ...

  • Michelle: Something Had to Give

    October 16, 2023

    In her early 50s, Michelle moved with her husband to Vancouver Island so that he could complete his final ...